Joint and Body Rejuvination

Tired of Chronic Joint Pain?

No Medications ● No Surgery ● No Knee Replacement ● No Down Time ● Bone on Bone

Are you interested in our non-surgical pain relief treatment?!

Fill out and submit the Form Below  to receive a Joint pain consultation at no cost! (usually valued at $245)

Advanced Joint Pain Relief Program

As we age and with joint injuries, we hinder our ability to heal properly, often getting more weak over time.  This therapy assists our joints and promotes better healing.

Stem Cell Therapy

Also known as regenerative medicine,.  It seeks to repair and/or rebuild  diseased, dysfunctional or injured tissue using stem cells or their derivatives.

 There are 3 ways to deliver stem cell therapy:

  • Umbilical donation from a healthy C-section birth,
  • From the patient's own bone marrow 
  • Use of peptides to aggressive promote the release of the patients own stem cells from their bone marrow.

Prolo + Ozone Therapy

This therapy reduces inflammation and balances free radicals in the body.  It uses a naturally occurring gas that consists of three atoms of oxygen. Over time patients notice a reduction in pain and improved function,

Peptide Therapy

A human body can produce peptides, but may decline as we age. Peptide therapy is restoring the number of peptides to stimulate cellular regrowth systems within the body to treat specific conditions. Peptides are administered into the blood through injections and can also be applied as sprays, creams, or oral forms.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections

Certain conditions like wear away your cartilage and synovial lining, causing inflammation and pain. Hyaluronic acid injections help increase the viscosity of synovial fluid through a process called visco-supplementation. This process can help make the joint less painful because the hyaluronic acid helps cushion and lubricate your joints allowing bones to move against each other with less friction.

Joint Pain Consult Request

More Questions? Call us now!


No Medications ● No Surgery ● No Knee Replacement ● No Down Time​


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